
Director: David Barney
22531 S River Rd
Shorewood, IL 60404

Cell: 815-739-8815

Choice Points Entry Form Top 100 Money


2015 Schedule
Lake / Ramp
4/19/2015 Braidwood results news
5/17/2015 Braidwood results news
5/23/2015 Braidwood results news
6/6/2015 Braidwood results news
9/13/2015 Braidwood results news
9/27/2015 Braidwood results news
10/3/2015 Braidwood results news
ATTENTION: Congrats to Josh and Tom on the win at the final even of 2015! Great Job Boys!!!!! Dave and Pete took second.

Congratulations also to our point Champions Dave and Pete! Your awards are waiting for you down in Guntersville along with new TFO Rods! Great Job on an awesome year for you guys!

Thanks to everyone who came out and fished with us this year. Shep and I are new to this...but fishing with such a great group of guys made it easier to get acclimated to running tournaments. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and sense of humor while I learned my way through the season. Thanks to Shep and his early morning runs to Braidwood...we were able to get our permits! We are going to begin working on our schedule, and planning a preseason meeting so we can get people signed up and paperwork taken care of before the season. I would also like to discuss some rules for the upcoming year. Again...thank you! Have a great off-season and hope to see you all back next year.


Dave and Shep